Don’t Miss the 73rd Annual Kutztown Folk Festival

Kutztown Folk Festival 2023

Kutztown Folk Festival 2023, America’s oldest, continuously operated, folklife festival, is just weeks away. The beloved annual features over 200 folk artists and craftsmen, live music, traditional foods, and the country’s largest, authentic Pennsylvania Dutch quilt sale. July 1st through the 9th, 2023 at the Kutztown Fairgrounds.

Fans of folk art, folklife, or just a really fun, friendly time will not want to miss Kutztown Folk Festival. The event was started in 1950 by three folklorists eager to share the Pennsylvania Dutch way of life with the rest of the world. The festival was a hit on day one, drawing some 25,000 people to that first, four-day event.

Today’s festival has grown some, to say the least. Instead of four days, it now lasts for nine, and the crowd has grown from 25,000 to over 130,000 people each year! Despite this huge growth in scope, the festival is still run by the same families that have always done so. This continuity assures the festival’s genuine feel and its ability to provide not just fun distraction but also true insight into the fascinating Pennsylvania Dutch way of life.

Festival Attractions

What’s there to do and see at the Kutztown Festival? What isn’t there, would be a better question.

Attendees will see over 200 nationally recognized, folk artists and traditional American artisans displaying their juried wares. Wood carvings, ceramics, stained glass, jewelry, furniture, soaps, toys, apparel, tools, and more.

Do you like quilts? Head on over to the World-Famous Quilt Barn and see the largest, authentic Pennsylvania Dutch quilt sale in the country! These aren’t just your average, run of the mill quilts, either but internationally recognized, prize-winning quilts. You can even try your hand at stitching a square onto The Visitors’ Quilt for display at next year’s festival. Great fun.

Kutztown Folk Festival Quilt Auction

The festival also features folklife demonstrations. Interactive workshops headed by renowned artists that will teach you techniques to make, not just buy or admire, your own handcrafted goods. Subjects include chair caning, decoy carving, tole painting, soapmaking, woodcarving, blacksmithing, broom-making, and bookbinding, among others. You’ll also find a variety of educational seminars to attend.

There’s no end to the live entertainment you’ll find at the festival, either. Every day features a host of special, scheduled events. Live bands, dancers, puppet shows and magicians for the kids, family-hoedowns, and more.

You won’t go hungry at the festival either, as it’s a cornucopia of yummy Pennsylvania Dutch favorites. Things like pot pie, corn fritters, sausage, funnel cake, shoo-fly pie, and apple dumplings. Why, you can enjoy full-course, all-you-can-eat, Pennsylvania Dutch family-style dinners! Fresh Fest Market at The Grove will be on hand with fresh, locally produced food, craft beers. and spirits. Fantastic!

Kutztown Folk Festival

Kutztown Folk Festival live music

Kutztown Folk Festival 2023 is scheduled for July 1st through July 9th, 2023, 9am to 6pm daily. The event is held at the Kutztown Fairgrounds, located at 450 Wentz Street in Kutztown, PA.

The fairgrounds are an easy, 40 minute drive from our Wernersville bed and breakfast. Spend the day soaking up all the fun and excitement of the festival, then it’s back to the quiet comforts of your room at South Mountain Inn. The makings of a perfect day!

Visit the Kutztown Folk Festival website for more information. You can also find this event on Facebook.

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